the key to achieving anything is patience, determination and faith
beautiful, alone and in love

Sunday, July 27, 2008


history is an interesting concept when you think about it.
history determines the present (if you believe it) that brings you to the question: if history was somehow different, what would our world be like? history seems to be set in concrete, there is currently no possible way that you can go back and change what has been, but that doesn't mean that at the time there were an infinite amount of paths that history could have taken. that is the interesting part.
what if history had chosen a different path at all moments in the past? imagine what sort of world we would have if, say, we immediately recognised all ethnic groups as equals, or if there was no WWII, or if the whole western concept of how the world should work had not been developed. the possibilities are endless.
this formation of history is being repeated at every moment a countless number of times, because we are all creating our own histories, we are all partaking in the creation of who we are simply by our choices.
it is amazing to notice that every decision we make, and have made, determines who we are. it means we should be aware of the power of our choice at all moments. there is not one decision that does not matter. we choose who we are by choosing whether or not to do certain things. by being aware that we have the power to form who we are, we become aware that we are in complete control of our lives and who we are.

peace be with you.
Patience, determination and faith.

Feeding on Drama

what is the ting that allows for the perpetuation of all forms of gossip?

when we gossip we are creating division, distrust and drama, we are destroying the truth. gossip creates an unseen feild of darkness and un-truth that hangs over the victims. it creates drama. why do we keep doing it then? why do we have whole magazines dedicated to gossip?

because the parasite in all of us feeds off it. people love the drama, they can't get enough of it. its a drug. that's why they create arguments, disfunctional marriages and abusive relationships. that why they perpetuate these things. thats why they gossip about absolutely everything, because it creates a drama that the parasite feeds off.
Drugs, Alcohol and Sex.

all of the above, in excess, are used to numb the pain of living a life that you do not want to lead.

Note: it has become a precondition of youth social activity that alcohol is present and consumed. why do they drink alcohol, because they can not let go and be themselves without it.

React to Change

have you noticed how humans react to change. i have. as soon as something goes 'wrong', or something unexpected happens they don't embrace it, but immediately resist it. they view it as something that is bad, and must be corrected as soon as possible. its quite sad when i see it happen around me. it doesn't make sense to me. i try to, and draw joy from, embracing change. even those small things, like an unexpected doctor's appoitment. why would you become annoyed and frustrated at this. it has happened, and that's all there is to it. now you can accept this change and embrace it, or, of course, you can resist it, and thereby create unneccesary tension in your self. disappiontingly, most peole will resist the change. they will complain about it. they will question it. they will criticize i and ridicule it. they will attempt to correct it. they will blame others for it. they will do everything in their power not to succumb to the change, but to row against its current. when i see this i am puzzled. why not just accept what is happening and live with those changes. life is unpredictable, nobody truly knows what is going to happen next. so when soemthing unexpected happens, see the oppurtunity held within it. embrace it and do not resist it. let the change flow through you and through your life and you are sure to find that you will become more relaxed and joyous, because the energy is no longer being blocked.

unfortunately, i also observe that most people feed of this negative, blockage energy. they have nothing better to do in their lives. and then they wonder why they have dis-ease.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a sweet and silent kiss

how can i be killed when i have already died a thousand times? when i rise from the dark mist of death i am not long for the world of the living. the living is a world of unutterable anguish and pain. it eats through the soul like the silent knife wielded by a bitter winter. there is no escape, and no matter how many times you rebuild and resurrect yourself you will be torn down within time. you may think you have finally survived, and that you shall never experience want again, but then it will strike harder than ever; killing you with a sweet and silent kiss. and once again you will fall into the abyss which is the darkness within you; ever present and eternal.